Our spring book fair is just around the corner. What the Book will be here from Seoul as part of our Book Week celebrations. Come prepared to shop and stock up on books for the summer!
Event: Spring Book Fair
Place: ES PAC
Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Date: Thursday, April 14, and Friday, April 15
(Parents are welcome after school on both days!)
Please talk about appropriate choices with your parents beforehand and come prepared to enjoy the fair and to buy a lot of books. (Your teacher will let you know which day you will visit the book fair as a class).

Then, on Friday, April 15, we are having our second annual Dress up as a Book Character Day!
It is easy to participate...
1. Choose a favourite book character.
2. Design a costume that is comfortable and effective.
3. Come dressed up on Friday and be ready for fun!

Please remember...
You can either come dressed up as a favourite book character or wear your school uniform. Also, leave the weapons and face masks at home...thank you!
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